Life Without Kali

And then there were two…..

In the end it was not as hard a decision to make as I thought it would be. Not easy, but not hard because it was the right thing to do. This past Saturday my sweet Golden Kali took her final breath as she lay next to Holly and I in our home. It was very peaceful and she left this world with dignity and grace.

I’ve been preparing for this moment for quite some time as I’ve watched Kali age rapidly over the past year.

Kali had begun slowing down significantly over the past year with decreasing mobility.   It was mostly her rear legs and hips.  She started having problems getting up and down and staying on her feet several months ago.  When she did get up she would often times fall.   Cataracts clouded her eyes and the poor vision often left her confused as to her where-abouts.  Her appetite did remain strong and she enjoyed being with me on the days I worked from home.   But more recently she seemed confused and while in no visible pain, she was uncomfortable and restless when she wasn’t sleeping.  

After a nudge from a dear friend, and deep soul searching and discussion the day after Christmas with Holly, I decided to follow the advice I have given so many other dog owners when I hear of a situation with their senior dog.  And that is, “one of the last and greatest gifts we give our dogs is to take them out of their pain and let them go”.  While I don’t believe Kali was in any real pain her tank was empty and her eyes told me it was time to let her go.  So I did.

This past Saturday, New Years Day 2022, our vet Tanya, who has become as much a friend as she is the vet for our three girls, came to our home to administer to Kali. Tanya, Holly, and I sat with Kali who was very relaxed as the three of us just chatted and loved on her.   Tanya administered a sedative and we continued to just be with Kali as she got sleepy.  I whispered a lot of sweet nothings in her ear. So pretty much business as usual in that regard. 🙂  Eventually Tanya gave Kali the injection that put Kali down. I watched her eyes close and felt her take her final breath. As Kali left I harkened our Creek Trail in Livermore where we got to know each other so well in the days and weeks after she arrived from Taiwan.  Kali left this world on our collective terms and I am so grateful for that. I know other dogs and doggie parents don’t always have that grace.

It’s hard to believe that Kali is gone.  I think things may set in and maybe I’ll have a few moments in the days to come.  But for now, like Kali, I am at peace.

Footnote: The Golden Kali Blog was started on May 25th, 2014 the day after Kali arrived from Taiwan. The tag line of this blog at that time was “Kali’s New Life In America”. Two years later we moved to the Sierra Nevada Foothills and the tag line changed to “Kali’s New Life In The Mountains”. The Golden Kali Blog will live on and the tag line, at least for the coming weeks and months, will now be “Life At The Golden K Without Kali”. * The Golden K is what we call our home as a tribute originally to Kali herself and now to her and her two sisters Kloe and Koda.

Kali in her younger days


I’m so very sorry for your loss! You made the right decision, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy one. I hope your memories of sweet Kali are a comfort…..and thanks for sharing her with the rest of us through your blog. She was a beautiful dog, in body and spirit!

We are so sorry to hear of Kali’s passing. You did her a great service by letting her pass with dignity. The few times we met her, you could tell how happy and loved she was. I hope her tail is wagging as she chases those pesky deer. 💔

We are so sorry to hear of Kali’s passing. You did her a great service by giving a respectful end. Her life with you was a gift and the few times we got to meet her, you could tell how happy and loved she was. The rainbow bridge is never easy. I hope her tail is wagging as chases those pesky deer. 💔

With tears streaming down my face, I just. can’t. hit. the like button. I’m so very sorry, Michael. I remember the first blog posts you shared about her coming to America and her sweet face. Please know I too will be grieving her loss with you and Holly as I’ve gotten to know your sweet girl over the years. She was a golden light. Thank you for realizing the time had come. It’s never an easy decision for let those beloved souls go but to hang on seems selfish and if they’ve taught us anything, it’s to be loving, not selfish. May the many fond memories provide you and the family with loving strength and provide a measure of comfort. Ear scratches to the other sweet girls. They’ll need your gentle care as they too deal with the loss of their ‘big sister.’ 💔

Thank you Monika. You and the Ranch Hands have been a big part of Kali’s life, virtually, over the years. Thank you for your kind words and support. And thank you for thinking of my two other Red Girls. Consider the ear scratches delivered.

Hello, my sweet friend! You have been on my mind and heart for days… This is never easy, nor should it be. Your heart is hurting and will be for some time. The piercing pain will eventually dull… Please know that you are the best dog guy! Blake, falls at your feet and whines and pees a little every time he sees you! And he’s my Golden! You have the gift. You walk the walk. Kali will continue to follow you and may even wake you at night… And she should.

Thank you Dee. Your love and support helped me get where I needed to be mentally and emotionally. And of course Tanya, our dear friend and trusted advisor was wonderful. I may be hugging Blake a little tighter next time I see him. I’ll need some of his blond hair on my cloths to replace what would have been Kali’s. 😉

Even though we know what we are doing is right, it’s still heart wrenching and surreal Kali was not just a dog. She was an ambassador of love, hope, and possibilities. My heart aches with this news

Oh, Michael, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m sitting here sniffling tears. Even when we know the end is near, the pain in our heart is deep. Yes, you did the brave, selfless thing for Kali. And I’m glad you’re at peace with that decision. You, Holly, and your Golden Girls are in my thoughts, prayers, and heart. I have a feeling that my Callie, Shadow, and Radar met your Kali at the Bridge and they’re all playing together. Sending you and Holly warm, gentle hugs. 💕💕

So sorry to hear about Kali. I have followed her from the beginning, as she came from Taiwan on the same flight as our Ivy. We lost Ivy in April 2017 and at that time I wondered how many from that flight were still with us. As hard as the decision is, it is always the right one to let them go when they are ready. We knew in Ivy’s eyes, like so many others we have lost, that it was her time. Bless you for giving Kali the best life, one that would erase the hard times she had in Taiwan.

Thank you Kristin. Ivey must have been older than Kali when she arrived. We estimated Kali at 5 years. What was Ivey’s name in Taiwan? I’d like to look for her in the video they produced as the 23 Goldens arrived at the airport in Taiwan.

hi – I’m so sorry for your loss. While you know you made the right decision, I’m sure your heart still aches. It is so hard to let a beloved companion go from the physical world. Though i know she will continue to reside in your heart forever. Thank you for sharing your journeys together through the years.

When I light my candle to night, it will be with Kali and your pack in my heart. My deepest condolences for your loss.


Thank you Jacquie. Kali was by my side almost always nudging my arm as I worked at my desk or nose butting me to tell me it’s dinner time. I know she will remain close albeit in a different way now. Thank you for the wonderful sentiment of the lighted candle. I really appreciate that!

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