Kloe is Eight! No way…

Right side of my brain: “Kloe is eight”.

Left side of my brain: “No way!!”

Right side of my brain: “Yes way! Look it up…”


I didn’t have to look it up. It’s true. My puppy, my baby, my sweet sweet Kloe who I now sometimes refer to as Queenie Kweenie, turned eight today.

Left side of my brain: “How the heck did that happen?”

Right side of my brain: “She was born and then the earth circled the sun eight times”.

Left side of my brain: “Shut up Mr. Logical!”

In my heart Kloe is still the nine week old puppy we brought home all those years ago and introduced to Golden Kali who quickly became her “Sissy-Mama”, mentor, and best friend! Kloe helped shape our pack and continues to bring us great joy and happiness. She is our guardian, our protector, and the heart and soul of The Golden K.

Right side of my brain: “But you do know it’s been eight years, right?

Left side of my brain: “Yep! Eight years of love, devotion, and joy!”

Right side of my brain: “I agree. Happy Birthday Kloe!”

Kloe Through The Years


Golden Retriever, Kloe


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